Saturday, August 23, 2008


I changed the comments moderator so that anyone can post now just by putting in a Name you don't need a Google account anymore to Comment. Thanks

Remington is Turning 4!!!

Because of the events that have happened this last week, we have been unable to do invitations or really plan for Remington's Birthday Party(sorry Rem). So we will be having it Monday the 25th at 7:00pm at our church pavilion 700 w and about 250 s its the first church on 700w on the west side of the road. We would Like everyone, we mean all who have vesited Agusta's blog....all of our family and friends.... Please come and support Remi she really needs it...... We will be having a Pot Luck dinner for Remington/Agusta. So please call and RSVP what you can bring, To either Josh or Brooke, or just let us know on the blog....... Thanks and we will look forward to seeing you all Monday Night.......

Josh and I will be bring the main dish.....

Salads/fruit salads.......




Agusta is still on the up turn doing better and better everyday. We are so happy for her. She still has a hard time laying down all day, and has to be reminded often to stay down.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Today has been a great day for Agusta all of her Family and Friends have been coming by to see her. She is so happy to be home and we are happy for her to be home. Thanks for all your prayers.


Day 1,
On life -support, and not knowing the extent of the brain damage, but what we do know is that their will be brain damage,from a scale from 0 being non and 10 being brain dead the doctor in St. George told us she us a 8 -8 1/2 and we still have to fly to Salt Lake...... from the C.T. that she had in St. George hospital..... and what we found out as they were ready to take her in for surgery at the Primary Children Hospital, the neurosurgeons did a C.T again, after looking at it said, "come here mom, look at this C.T. the one from St. George and now look at this one, do you see how the presser has let off just that little bit, i don't now why i cant explain it because its still bleeding and the presser is still their but its let off just that little bit and i'm not going to do surgery i want to wait it out for 4 or so hours unless she shows signs of worsting, they had to get me a chair because i just about lost it...... i now that Heavenly Father works in crazy and unanswered ways and at that moment i new she is supost to br here and she has callings to do and it's not her time to go. with-out her daddy's and papa's blessing's and the thousand of continues prays from all of heart goes out and i cant thank you enough for helping
josh and I and my little Agusta to still be able to be her same self before the accident(the doctor told us that most patients that come in with this will wake up a different person) so thank you and thanks to my father in heaven.... Brooke
Day 2,
Just waiting for my baby to wake-up & praying non-stop for her to know who i am.....
Day 3,
She 's off life-support and trying to say mommy, little tears will stream down her eye, i will not leave her side and i constantly am saying (your o.k. mommy's right here), i know she could here me. Her little body was trying to come out of the coma in this picture.....
Day 4,
She is going to be o.k.....her little body did so good coming out of the coma, she's not eating but drinking a little and that's o.k.. she has shown no signs of long-term memory loss but she does have short- term and that could heal in they drained her eye to be able to she it better,she is now able to see out of it and that has made her a happier person. what a difference 1 day can make and also being off of the morphine.. but she is having a-lot of side affects from her brain trauma, like really bad nightmares, she will say "wear are we" or "what happened", she cant remember her birthday and will ask me all the time "when's my birthday"i will say November, "oh ya"!!!!! i have to remind her to lay your head down and she will be trying to get back up every 3min. but if that all, a little short-term memory loss...... that o.k. with us...DayDay 5,
We are home.... Agusta did amazing on the ride home, we did stop a Few times but for the most she slept.... it was great to see all the family,REMINGTON and baby ELLA were so hyper with joy. Thanks to the Spendlove family to Remington & Ella and to Tina Webb and family for decorating our house and to all the great family & friends for all the help with the girls and i will be taking everyone's offer on helping , I'll really be needing it. love Brooke....


The Ride home was not bad Agusta did good the whole way home. Thank you everyone for all you have done for us!

I love My House! Thank you for Decorating for ME!!

Where Heading HOME!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Today is a Great Day for Agusta! The doctor says its in Agustas best interest to come home, because her depression is starting to affect her healing. So we will be picking them up this evening and bringing them home. I will be posting all thru her recovery after home so you can all still come and read how she is doing. Also I will be posting more pictures from the hospital when I get back home tonight. We Love you all, and Thanks for all your Prayers. We have been blessed greatly due to the Faith of our family and all of yours.

This will be great for poor Brooke who has had almost no sleep since Saturday.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pics From Tuesday


Today Agusta had her CT at 9:00am. The Doctors say that its not worse, but its not getting better like it should so they are still concerned because it should be going down and are worried about long term affects.

The eye doctor says the nerve to her left eye is right in the fracture. They don't see any hemorrhage or any long term affects to her vision at this point, but we will have to take Agusta back to the hospital in 4 weeks so they can look at it when the swelling has gone down. She will have a Helmet, because if she bumps her head it could damage the nerve, because the nerve is right in the fracture.

Agusta has been very depressed and having Nightmares last night. The doctor (neurosurgeon) says he feels that Agusta would heal better if she was at home. The nurse told Agusta she could go home when she wasn't in pain anymore. Agusta wants to come home so bad that she won't tell the nurses she is in pain.

Agusta was visited today by The Salt Lake Bee's (baseball team), they played games and did arts & crafts with her. The whole team signed a baseball and gave it to her for a souvenir. Her cousin Ryan is mad, because he wants to take the ball home.

Ever since Agusta first woke up she has been wanting to paint a Ceiling square from the hospital.(they have art work on the tiles from all different kids). So today she got to Paint her very own Ceiling Tile, and we will get a Picture of it on the Blog as soon as we get it.

She went to the Steve Young Learning center and they have a Wall of Wishes. Agusta made her wish "I wish that I didn't have a purple eye, and that brain will work."

Monday, August 18, 2008

Agusta is doing Good!

Hello everyone! For those who don't know the whole story, here it is. Agusta and Remi were playing at the park by the house. They were heading home (walking across grass) when some older boys playing football didn't see them and one of the boys was running to catch a throw and tried to jump over Agusta. His foot didn't make it high enough and knocked Agusta to the ground. She blacked out and started to seizure. One of the Neighborhood moms saw this and ran to Agusta's side. The husband to this mom ran to our house and got Me, I ran to her side and Brooke Followed. We called the ambulance and took her to DRMC. She was life flighted to Primary Children's. She suffered from a Subdural Hematoma (goose egg that is inside the skull pushing pressure against the brain), and a fractured skull above her eye. She was placed into a Induced Coma (Paralyzed),and had to be on full life support with oxygen tubing and monitoring for the flight to Primary Children's. She was given a Blessing before leaving Dixie Regional and upon arrival at PCH another CT showed that the pressure was subsided and no surgery would be necessary at this time. She had to be on full life support the first night untill her body woke up from the coma and would breath etc. on its own. She has since improved Miraculously, and is Doing Really good. We don't know when she will get to come home from the hospital, right now the Doctors say we just want to go Day by Day and see how she progresses. The most concern right now is with such a blow to the head causing a fracture that nerve damage, and the ability to move the muscles to open and close eye etc.. would be limited. We want to Thank all of you that have prayed for us and fasted. It has blessed our Family Greatly and we appreciate all you have done for us. Feel Free to post I will be updating as the days go by on her status. Thanks again and please keep Agusta in your prayers, May the Lord bless you all.

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First Day of School

This is Agusta's First Day at School.
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